It is hard to believe that we are already in March and that another St. Patrick’s Day is on its way. St. Patrick’s Day is a great day to get your Irish on, but it is also a signal that spring is on the way, and with spring come outdoor activities and warm weather. If...
News & Updates
The Art of Cupping Massage – Is It for You?
Cupping is not a new therapy; it’s been around since ancient times. Cupping massage, or cupping therapy, is a type of alternative medicine that uses specific kinds of “cups” that are applied to the skin to create suction in various parts of the body. Although it has...
Romantic Massage Is the Happy Endings Gift from You!
As we roll into another gift-giving event, many of us are feeling the weight of having too many “things.” Perhaps it’s left over from COVID or maybe we are all just getting a little overwhelmed by the constant need to buy new, but many of us are looking for something...
Start the New Year by Tackling Chronic Pain for Good
It is hard to believe that we are rolling into the holidays and soon the New Year will be upon us. If you are considering what you should resolve to do in the upcoming year, tackling your chronic pain effectively should be a number one priority. Living in pain lessens...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Be Prevented or Helped with Massage
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has become more prevalent over recent decades, mostly due to electronics and repetitive movements. The syndrome itself results from pressure on the median nerve. The reason it is called carpal tunnel syndrome is because the carpal tunnel is the...
You’re Not 20 Anymore – Get a Massage, Will You?!
We all would love to go back to our younger days to relive the fun and freedom, but the reality is that at some point, we all have to grow up. Weekends are a great time to cut loose and be active, but if you don’t care for your joints and muscles properly, it can lead...
Seven Steps to Manage Stress and Build Resilience to Get Through the Ups and Downs
It is impossible to make it through life without the ups and downs that can lead to stress. Stress in and of itself is not unhealthy; it’s how you deal with and manage it that counts. In our post-pandemic world, emotions seem to be somewhat heightened, and returning...
Kids Heading Back to School? Five Reasons to Treat Yourself to Massage Therapy
Summertime is a season that parents and kids look forward to, but after being their cruise director and keeping everyone entertained for months, it is okay to admit that you are happy things are returning to the normal routine. If you have been going long, playing...
Road Trip Unwind – Five Things That Can Get You All Twisted!
It is hard to believe that the summer is not only in full swing - it is just about over! Summers are a great time to pack the car and take the show on the road, but hitting the highway isn’t all fun and games for your body. If you are heading out or heading home, a...