
News & Updates

You’re Not 20 Anymore – Get a Massage, Will You?! 

You’re Not 20 Anymore – Get a Massage, Will You?! 

We all would love to go back to our younger days to relive the fun and freedom, but the reality is that at some point, we all have to grow up. Weekends are a great time to cut loose and be active, but if you don’t care for your joints and muscles properly, it can lead...

Road Trip Unwind – Five Things That Can Get You All Twisted!

Road Trip Unwind – Five Things That Can Get You All Twisted!

It is hard to believe that the summer is not only in full swing - it is just about over! Summers are a great time to pack the car and take the show on the road, but hitting the highway isn’t all fun and games for your body. If you are heading out or heading home, a...

Sleep, It’s More Than Just Shutting Your Eyes

Sleep, It’s More Than Just Shutting Your Eyes

Sleep, It's More Than Just Shutting Your Eyes You may have heard that sleep is essential to your overall health, but did you know that it’s responsible for far more than just recharging your batteries? From maintaining a healthy weight to boosting your mood, it turns...

3 Stretches to Commit to Routine

3 Stretches to Commit to Routine

3 Easy Stretches to Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine If you are like most of us, you know that stretching is a great way to loosen things up and reduce tightness, but putting the time aside is easier said than done. It’s like drinking the appropriate amount of...

Give the Gift of Healing for Christmas

Give the Gift of Healing for Christmas

As we quickly roll into the new year, we have a collective new perspective on what is important. This year, many are opting to forego the shiny packages under the Christmas tree that are disposed of or forgotten ten minutes after opening, and are looking for something...

How Pain Can Affect Your Emotional Well Being

How Pain Can Affect Your Emotional Well Being

If you are someone who has never had to live in chronic pain, it can be hard to imagine how it truly touches every part of who you are and diminishes your quality of life. When you have constant pain, it is like a nagging that never goes away, surrounded by...