Push Your Luck by Planning a Massage for St. Patrick’s Day

Tips and Tricks of Massage Therapy
By: Julie Keating

It is hard to believe that we are already in March and that another St. Patrick’s Day is on its way. St. Patrick’s Day is a great day to get your Irish on, but it is also a signal that spring is on the way, and with spring come outdoor activities and warm weather. If you are still trying to recuperate from the long winter months, nothing can get your energy flowing and motivation jump-started more than a good massage. These are just a few reasons to schedule your lucky massage today.

Soothe Sore Weekend-Warrior Muscles

With the warm weather comes the desire to hit the great outdoors. If you have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the warm weather and sunshine, now’s the time to enjoy it. Unfortunately, if you haven’t been doing much throughout the winter months, your muscles might be tight and weak. After a weekend full of activities, it is likely that you’ll wake up Monday morning with sore and aching muscles. A massage is a great way to ease the pain and get you ready for the next weekend.

Increase Flexibility

If you’ve been sitting with your muscles pretty idle throughout the fall and winter, then they have probably become weaker. That can limit your range of motion and make it harder for you to get outside and do yard work, go for a bicycle ride, or hit the trails. A massage will help to increase blood flow, which aids in overall muscle flexibility. It is just the thing you need to be loosy-goosy and reduce the risk of injury.

Increase Energy

If the sunshine isn’t enough to pique your motivation and energy, then a massage is just what the doctor ordered. A massage will help relax stiff and tight muscles, which will help to energize your body and give you the stamina you need to enjoy spring activities with fervor. Massage also helps to increase blood flow to deliver fresh oxygen to the muscles and body, which can feel like a fresh breath of air.

Improve Your Sleep

As we sail into daylight savings, it’s wonderful to get an extra hour at the end of the day. It isn’t so great to miss out on an hour of sleep, though, especially if you haven’t been sleeping well to begin with. Massage helps you relax at night and eases tight and stiff muscles. That means you can fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer. When you improve your quality of sleep, you improve your overall quality of life. One hour a week can make a significant difference in your outlook and happiness!

Reduce Stress and Tension

Spring comes with a lot of sunshine and fun, but it also comes with new demands on your time and energy. If you are feeling the push to get outdoors and you’re looking at all the things on your plate like yard work, kids’ sports, and an increase in your hustle and bustle, then a massage is a great way to reduce stress and tension. You have so many responsibilities, and although we can’t do much to reduce them, we can give you an hour to forget them and enjoy some “you” time.

Hangover Haven

St. Patrick’s Day activities might come with drinking some green beer. Alcohol is a great elixir to leave your worries behind for a bit, but the next day can be brutal. A good massage will help reduce the stiff and sore muscles that can come from being over-served, and it will also help your body relax and unwind. One reminder: along with your massage, hydration is the key to undoing St. Patrick’s Day fun!

As we head into St. Patrick’s Day, the birds are starting to sing and spring is coming. If you are going to get outdoors and start enjoying some sunshine, make massage a priority. Not only will it ease your post-activity muscle soreness; it will help to improve sleep, increase your energy and motivation, and decrease stress levels. It is amazing what one hour can do to your overall well-being. Contact us today to schedule your lucky massage!