Romantic Massage Is the Happy Endings Gift from You!

Tips and Tricks of Massage Therapy
By: Julie Keating

As we roll into another gift-giving event, many of us are feeling the weight of having too many “things.” Perhaps it’s left over from COVID or maybe we are all just getting a little overwhelmed by the constant need to buy new, but many of us are looking for something more than just flowers or candy for Valentine’s Day. If you want to give your loved one a true “happy ending,” nothing says I love you more than an hour of attention to their parts – with a therapeutic massage! These are four reasons it will have your loved one swooning for you this year!

Massage Eases Tension

What’s better for Valentine’s Day than easing tension? Can you think of an activity that gets your blood circulating, heats up your muscles and joints, and makes you feel all tingly inside? A massage, of course. If you have noticed that your loved one is feeling the stress of post-holiday returning-to-work blues, help them relax and unwind with an hour-long massage that will get their juices flowing. The rest of the evening is up to you!

Be Thoughtful

What woman doesn’t want to have flowers again this year? And what man isn’t dying for another gadget that they don’t need? Likely your special someone. If you give your special someone the gift of a massage for Valentine’s Day, let’s be honest – it says that you put a little more thought into it than just stopping at the store on the way home! The old saying that it isn’t about how much you spend but about the thought behind it is absolutely true (although don’t try that if they wanted a diamond!).

Make It the Precursor

Sometimes the hardest part of enjoying your evening out, assuming that you have already planned it, is being able to unwind and relax. Show that special someone in your life that you understand that they have too much on their plate by arranging more than just dinner and a movie; do a massage and dinner. After a massage, your senses are heightened and your body is relaxed. That will make the time you spend together afterward more honest, vulnerable, and just better all the way around! 

Give Them an Extra Day

If you give them something for Valentine’s Day, it takes maybe two minutes to open. You see the person in your life working overtime with the kids, the house, the finances, work – don’t they deserve more than just a few moments to themselves to open a gift? If you give them a certificate for a massage, what you are really giving them is a license to focus on themselves and take time out for a treat away from the responsibilities of house and home. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a hall pass (well, maybe more like a day pass – we don’t want to get too crazy this Valentine’s Day).

Give the Gift of Health

When you love someone, you want them to be their healthiest and to take care of themselves. Regular massage is the key to a better quality of life, which leads to longevity and improved overall wellness. We offer packages so that you can give your loved one the gift that keeps giving all year long. With regular massage, you will see a profound difference in their health, happiness, and attitude, so really it is like the gift that keeps giving for you both!

This year, instead of stopping at the grocery store on the way home to pick up flowers that are pre-wilted and chocolates that will surely knock them off of their New Year’s Resolution, why not give them something they really want – a certificate for a massage? We’ll warm them up for an evening of more tension release for you both. Stop in today and pick up the gift certificate that will be a gift to you both!