What Will You Do With Your Back to School Time? How About Focusing on You?

Tips and Tricks of Massage Therapy
By: Julie Keating

It is hard to believe that the summer is over and the kids have returned to school. Although there is some relief to not having the daily grind, it will likely leave you with a little more time on your hands. Whatever will you do? 

Why not use your little bit of “me time” to do something that you rarely do, and focus on yourself? Incorporating massage into your weekly routine is a great start to a healthier new you for these and other reasons.

Better Quality Sleep 

Massage is a great way to increase your sleep quality by decreasing the tension and worry that might be interrupting your good night’s rest. Massage helps to reduce feelings of stress, soothe aching and sore muscles, and decrease chronic pain that might be keeping you up at night. When you incorporate it into your weekly routine, you can start enjoying restorative sleep to enhance your overall health and wellness.

Chronic Pain Alleviation

As we get older, it is more common to experience chronic pain due to joint and muscle inflammation. Regular massage has been proven to alleviate swelling in your muscles and joints, which can help to reduce chronic pain. If you are relying on anti-inflammatories daily, it is much healthier to give massage a try. It is also a more lasting solution.

Strengthen Your Immune System 

With the return of school and fall comes colds, flu, and viruses. Being in small spaces with windows closed tends to increase the infection rate. Instead of succumbing to the ills of flu season, increase your natural immune system by having regular massages. Message therapy has been shown to increase your ability to fight off the germs that can keep you down.

Quicker Recovery Post-Activity

When kids return to school, there is usually an uptick in gym membership. Getting active with regular exercise is an excellent way to increase your muscle mass, maintain a healthy weight, and increase your cardiovascular health. Those first couple of weeks, however, can be difficult. If you overdo it, it can lead to injury, which will only bench your efforts. It is necessary to allow your muscles enough time to recover and rebuild. Massage, however, can lessen your recovery time and get you back to hitting the gym more quickly. It will also make it more likely that you will stick to your goals.

Improved Circulation

Massage not only helps to reduce inflammation in your muscles and joints, it can help increase circulation. Over time, with regular massage, it is possible to see a decrease in your blood pressure when combined with the proper diet and exercise. As if you needed one more reason to have a massage; it helps you physically all over!

Mental Boost

Massage not only provides physical benefits, it has mental ones as well. Massage therapy has been shown to lower stress levels, improve mood and relaxation, give you more energy, and increase overall feelings of wellness. Having a little time to yourself is a must to better your health, both mentally and physically. 

As the kids return to school, now is an excellent time to make time for yourself. As we head into fall, commit to becoming a healthier version of yourself by putting aside time to focus on you. Incorporating massage into your weekly routine will help to ease stress, increase your quality of sleep and your mood, and give you the extra boost of energy that will keep you on a path to wellness. Schedule your massage today to get started!