Labor Day Might be One Day, But Laboring For a Lifetime Requires Self-Care

Tips and Tricks of Massage Therapy
By: Carson Watkins

With Labor Day now behind us, it is time to put your white away! It is also time to consider ways to welcome in the fall with a healthier new you. The holidays are just a few short months away, and if you begin your self-care regimen now, you will be in good shape and spirits to enjoy the festivities. An ounce of prevention is worth so much when talking about your health. And speaking of labor, isn’t it time that you gave your body a rest? A massage is just the thing to begin the fall season on a good note.

Massage Eases Tired and Sore Muscles

Regardless of where you labor, you likely perform the same movements throughout the day. You don’t have to be a brick or construction laborer to benefit from massage. Sitting all day, in the same position, is hard on the body too. Over time, the repetition leads to overuse in certain parts of the body. It can also lead to shortening of the muscles, resulting in joint pain and stiffness. A massage can help to retrain the brain to elongate those muscles that are tense and tight!

Lower Your Blood Pressure

Work is stressful! Although there isn’t really anything you can do to lessen the stress of your workday, you can work on how you respond to those stressors and the effect they have on your body. If you have started to see your blood pressure inch, it is important to make dietary changes to combat it. Massage is also a great way to lower your blood pressure, over time. By reducing stress and increasing blood flow, you can see a significant change and lessen the negative effects of everyday stressors.

Better Quality Sleep

Sleep is something that most people don’t give enough importance to. It isn’t just about the hours of sleep that someone gets, it is about the quality of that sleep. If you are stressed out, then your muscles are probably tight and overworked. That can lessen the amount of quality sleep you get at night. Sleep is the body’s way of rejuvenating, but if you are tossing and turning all night to get comfortable, there’s not much quality in your rest. Massage will not only help to reduce stress, it will help you to get the sleep necessary for more energy in the morning and all day long!

Mood Enhancing

With the fall comes a decrease in our time outdoors. Having time outdoors has been shown to increase one’s mood and give them a more positive outlook. If you aren’t able to spend as much time in the sun, at least make up some of those lost moments by scheduling a massage. Massage has been shown to enhance your mood and increase neurotransmitters in the brain that give your body little bursts of euphoria. If you can’t make it on a hike, hike to get a massage instead!

As we head into fall, now is the time to consider ramping up your efforts to be a healthier new you. The holidays are just around the corner and if you want to be festive-ready, then readying yourself by incorporating the benefits of massage into your everyday routine is a great way to take steps to be a better version of yourself. Massage therapy can help reduce tired and sore muscles, lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep, and make you feel better all the way around. What are you waiting for? Schedule your appointment today!