Get a Massage After Hurricane Hell-ene

Tips and Tricks of Massage Therapy
By: Julie Keating

We have a whole lot of tolerance for hurricane scares and preparedness drills. Still, no one could have possibly seen the devastation that Helene left behind in Augusta and surrounding areas. Most were left without power for days to weeks and even some of us are waiting, not so patiently anymore to be rescued from our stressful surroundings. Although I am very proud to be a member of a community that has handled the fallout of Hell-ene with such grace and kindness, it has not been easy to maintain a cool head and unwind. The feeling of being “on edge” will probably have residual effects for years. What’s the answer? I’m not entirely sure about the long term, but a massage can do wonders for the here and now!

Enhance Your Sleep

If there is one thing we all could use to catch up on, it’s sleep! The power outages and stress of the hurricane have many of us up at night. Even though it is fall, there was no cool-down to help those of us without air conditioning out! A massage will help to calm your nerves, relax your tense muscles, and ease your mind so that you can get a full night’s rest and rest easy knowing that the power is restored and so are your batteries!

Relieve Stress

Even though the hurricane is behind us, many of the stressors it caused linger on. According to science, after a natural disaster, many people experience PTSD that they aren’t even aware of. That can lead to emotional upset and feelings of panic. Massage is a great way to ease your stress and give you some breathing room to work through some of the emotional upset left in Hell-ene’s wake. It can also give you more emotional room to work through the aftermath of insurance issues and housing shortcomings.

Ease Sore Unused and Suddenly Used Muscles

We all hate to admit that we might not be in the best shape of our lives, but when things like a hurricane leave leaves, debris, and branches littering our lawns and neighborhoods, we all have to chip in. If you are feeling some muscle aches from muscles you forgot you even had, then a good massage is an excellent way to work through your post-workout aches and pains. A massage can also help to expedite the healing process so that your body can bounce back more quickly from the strains of using muscles you haven’t in a while!

Tension Headaches

Many people find themselves having to pivot and navigate post-storm issues, which can leave just about anyone with a tension headache! The best way to relieve stress and clear your mind is by having a massage. Lay back, relax, and put your problems on hold for a while, while I get your blood flowing freely and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

Lasting Effects

Massage is a great way to heal and soothe sore muscles, and it also helps to promote positivity. In the aftermath of a hurricane such as we have experienced, we can all use a dose of positive outlook. A regular massage might be just what the doctor ordered to keep your energy high and your spirits even higher as we work in a post-recovery community!

Although we are used to hurricane drills and threats, there’s no way to get used to what happened in our community. The good news is the hurricane brought out the best in all of us and helped to remind us of what is really important! If you are looking to heal your mind, body, and soul in a post Hell-ene period, a massage can do you wonders. Schedule yours today!